I really missed the feeling of accomplishment I got the last time I tried Couch to 5K (I had even gotten up to Week 4). I had stopped because I had hurt my back, and when I tried to get back to it, my breathing started being an issue.
Today was more of a Week 0.5 Day 1, then a Week 1 Day 1. The app I'm using (Run 5K from Felt Tip) has Week 1 as 5 min warmup, *run 45 sec, walk 90 sec, run 45 sec, walk 60 sec* repeat 5 times. I managed to get 2 of the 5 sets done before breathing hurt. I walked the rest of the time for a total of 30 mins.
I need to figure out a good way to track the intervals on Fitocracy.
Today's Stats
Exercise: Treadmill, C25K, Week 0.5, Day 1
Time: 30 mins
Distance: 1.61 miles
Avg Heartrate: 168